Fools, Cowards, and Traitors

T. Schwenn
8 min readJan 19, 2021
Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty

The United States of America was founded by fallible men.¹
It is governed by flawed persons. And it will be as long as it exists.

However, it is the duty of every American, and especially elected officials, to work towards a better America. To learn from its mistakes, and move forward.² Yet on January 6th, 2021, outside the United States Capitol, in the most heavily-guarded city in the country, a police officer (a son, a brother, and a veteran) died after being beaten with a fire extinguisher, and a young woman (another veteran) was shot to death, and numerous police officers were assaulted, tased, and forced to run for their lives; another police officer was so traumatized by the events, he took his own life.³


Because members of the Republican party (and the conservative media) have led their constituents to believe that a free and fair election was stolen from them despite no tangible evidence.

How do we (sane people) know this?
•There are no objections from the same Republican officials who won their own elections on that same day, on the same ballots (or machines).
Leading purveyors of these falsehoods, facing legal action, have since publicly retracted their false claims.
•The Democratic leadership could fuck up a ham sandwich; that anyone believes they could coordinate a massive and intricate plot to hack voting machines, switch ballots, and bribe local/state/federal officials and judges from both parties, is laughable.
•The plot hangs on the belief that Democrats were so ingenious in their scheme that they left 6 key states so close as to invite recounts (and 2 runoffs). Which of course, is supremely ridiculous.

But it’s too late. The first part of the two-part strategy (#1: sow doubt into the electorate; #2: overturn an election) was successful.

These Republican figures fall into 2 categories: the fools who actually believe the nonsensical conspiracy of a fraudulent election, and the cowards (whether they believe it or not) using the hysteria for their own benefit.⁴

How did it come to this?

Because the Republican party has pledged its fealty to a bloated, petulant child… who happens to be president.

They knew he was a monster. They knew the day would come.

And not just for the last 12 weeks — or 4+ years — but for the last 40 years of his public life.

•Racial discrimination lawsuits
•25+ credible sexual assault allegations
•Failure to pay construction contractors
•The public shaming and belittling of women and minorities
Successful businessman do not file corporate bankruptcy 5 times
•Successful businessman are not turned down for loans from every institution possible, save for one (the one forced to pay a $600M fine for money laundering for the Russian government)

Leaders do not dismiss their own intelligent experts in favor of believing opposing dictators, who are known to order the murders of anyone who steps in their way.

And it’s not the media making up ‘fake news.’

No. The words came straight from his own mouth. He fumbles with answer to basic policy questions because he doesn’t have a grasp on the facts; because he doesn’t care. He only cares about what people can do for him.

  • Who was it that exposed the abuse rampant in the Catholic Church?
    •A team of journalists in Boston
  • Who uncovered Jeffrey Epstein’s terror?
    Julie Brown, a journalist with the Miami Herald [it should not be lost to history that the US Attorney who gave Epstein (Trump’s friend), his original lenient deal would eventually serve as Trump’s Secretary of Labor]
  • Who uncovered Harvey Weinstein’s predatory and criminal behavior?
    Three journalists in New York

Not the president, not Mike Pence, not Q, not Jim Jordan, not the CEO of MyPillow, and certainly not any of your degenerate high school friends who saw a post on Facebook or a documentary, performed their own “research,” and now claim to have connected the dots of a massive ring of sexual predators.

The same Republican leaders who called out Trump’s bullshit, now side with him, despite the numerous times he:
•made disgusting remarks about their wives and fathers
dishonored the memories of fallen military members and their families
belittled the sacrifice of captured and tortured soldiers

Fools. Cowards. Again, he said it out loud. He made the media’s job easy.

So who falls prey to his bullshit? Who were the people coming to murder elected officials?

They weren’t the Bogeyman. They weren’t monsters from TV or movies. They weren’t kids who’ve played too many video games. They weren’t wearing white hoods in the middle of the night. They weren’t marching goose-step in beige shirts.

They were our next-door neighbors. They are dentists, and accountants, and bus drivers; and they are police officers, and veterans, and current military personnel. They treated democracy like a game, because they have felt no consequences for their lifetimes of ignorance. Whereas Tamir Rice, 12 years old, was killed by a police officer despite playing alone on a playground, and Kalief Browder spent 3 years in jail (abused and tormented) awaiting trial for allegedly stealing a backpack, these warped, soulless degenerates stormed the Capitol because they knew they would walk out alive. And so they broadcast it as if it was spring break in Cancun.

They came prepared. They wanted a fight.

•They wore shirts they designed stating “Civil War” with the day’s date
•They wore shirts with ‘Camp Auschwitz’ across the front
•They came with the Confederate flag⁵, and the NAZI flag, and zip-ties to take hostages, and guns, and spears, and bombs

That they claim their actions were in the name of democracy is like using the Bible to support slavery. [Similar to the nonsensical argument that removing Confederate statues is an attempt to erase history — which is like asking ‘Why don’t the Bulls erect a statue of Craig Ehlo in front of the United Center?’]

And for what? What has this Republican party accomplished? A tax break for the wealthiest Americans, subsidized by the middle-class. That’s it. They had 2 full years with majorities in the House and Senate, along with the presidency (and the Supreme Court) — and that’s all they accomplished. Not Infrastructure Week, not The Wall, not a new/better healthcare plan, and not term limits for Congress.

Why? Because they don’t give a damn.

The Republican party preys on the stupidity of their constituents with the nonsensical threat of socialism, the way parents lord the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus over children. And its base, who went to public school, and sends their kids to public school, and whose parents rely on Medicare instead of going bankrupt, and the farmers subsidized by the government… eat it up like candy.

They claim to want to drain the swamp, then nominate Rick Perry to lead an agency he didn’t know existed, and Betsy Devos to run the Department of Education, despite no experience in public education, and who couldn’t even qualify to be a substitute teacher in most states.

That is the Republican party. The party preaching moral and fiscal responsibility, and yet creates wars they can’t finish and deficits they can’t pay off. The party where somehow they reconcile policies of pro-life and pro-death.

At their recent convention, they offered no platform (literally!). Because they lack any sense, decorum, or original thought; they lie, cheat, and suppress votes — and then claim victimhood⁶. They have won 1 popular vote in 32 years. Yet have 3 terms as president (both dim sons of wealthy men), seated 5 Supreme Court Justices, and 115 Circuit Court judges.

They went to the Capitol not seeking democracy; they went to kill. They went to arraign, try, and execute elected members of Congress, including the current Vice President of the United States. And merely hours after all this, the same Republican leadership rolled out their excuses:
•“well, this only happened because the Black Lives Matter protests were allowed.” (Did they not see the thousands of people being arrested and tear-gassed and beaten all summer?)
•“we need unity!” (Then stop lying to your constituency, stop calling on your constituency to storm the Capitol, and don’t tweet out the locations of your colleagues who your constituency plans to murder.)⁷

[And do we have to be reminded that nearly 4,000 Americans died that day from a virus the Republican party claimed for months was a hoax? And that many more will die, or suffer life-altering complications, because the Republican party (and its supporters) chooses to ignore basic safety precautions?]

There’s often a collective eye-roll from one side or the other whenever a comparison is made to the Nazis, as correctly, there’s no comparison for the systematic/highly-organized murder of groups of people. But that belies another major point: that it was preventable; it was performed out in the open, and it began as a way to gain traction/power by sowing rage against a series of invented grievances.⁹

And while the Republican party leadership get to go home, and return to their gated communities, and their taxpayer-funded healthcare, it will be frontline workers — EMTs, police officers, military personnel, and the custodial staff¹⁰ — who will literally clean up their mess.

History will not be kind to them. They will not slip or slink into the annals of history. Their names will be stained; their names will live in ignominy, as fools and cowards. As traitors.

Of course, it will be too much for them to offer their resignations, as they’ve shown no such humility or service to their country. If there is any justice to come from the events of January 6th, it will be that these elected officials are barred from holding future office (and for the conservative media, losing sponsors); and that their donors and constituents reconsider their support; and that they impart nothing further towards the framing of our country.

As for the rest? I take solace in the fact that Trump and his followers were too fucking stupid to actually succeed in overturning the election. That the very worst his supporters can do will be to gain a position in a legislature; but most likely, the worst they will do is infect their children with the same disease of ignorance from which they suffer.

And after all that, well, they do have Hell to look forward to.


¹Greedy, lying, syphilitic, slave-holding, hypocritical, raping men.
²Find me someone who wants America to revert to being Great Again, and you will see someone who either believes in a bygone era that never existed to begin with, or has profited from the privilege they cannot earn. Also, tell them to read a history book.
³for those who believe Antifa was behind it, congratulations: you’re a fucking moron.
⁴this includes Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro; men paid millions of dollars a year to come as close to lying without lying as one can, but are lauded by conservatives because they’re amongst the few who can speak in complete sentences.
⁶Land cannot vote, you twits.
⁷calling for ‘unity’ after the last 4 years is like asking your neighbor — who has invaded your home, beaten your wife and kids, stolen your TV and your dog — to come over for a BBQ and watch the Super Bowl. Fuck that.
⁸The failure to prevent Hitler from entering politics after his ‘beer hall putsch’; Hindenberg’s decision to appoint Hitler as Chancellor; the failure of the Allies to prevent/punish Hitler for entering the Rhineland in 1936; the indecisiveness of the French and British as Hitler marched into Poland; America denying asylum to thousands of Jews fleeing the terror.
⁹why white Trump supporters distrust the government, when they’re the major beneficiary, is lunacy. It’s like Lebron complaining about the officiating while his team is up 30 points, and he’s got a triple-double.
¹⁰Many of them minorities.

